Saturday, December 12, 2009

Giovanni Arnolfini and his bride.

Jan Van Eyck was a famous painter in the 1400's. He painted 'Giovanni Arnolfini and his Bride' 1434, in London. Van Eyck included many underlying interpretations. The first unusual depiction is that normally when you get married you shake with your right. Yet Giovanni is shaking with his left. If you shake with your left that will prevent gold-diggers and plus he has it documented with the picture. I guess shaking with your left hand is ideal to signing a prenuptial today.

I know I'm getting pretty detailed, yet it's engaging the audience. The bride is fashionable, looks pregnant yet not, and she is wearing such a dress that shouldn't be a maid. Giovanni is close to the window which is symbolic f0r the bread carrier (provider). His wife is close to the bed which could could mean that she is the baby maker and will care for it.

We know it's a wedding because their shoes are off and that is what they did in church. The burning candle means that they are in the presence of God. The timber ceiling defines purity, and the dog symbolizes obedience and faithful. Finally, the mirror could be the eye of God and in the reflection is Van Eyck and the priest.

1 comment:

  1. The Mirror does not hold the priest but instead the artist Van Eyck himself. You are correct that this is a wedding image, but weddings in churches was not required until 16th Century. Many flaws hinder this assessment though initiative is valid.

